do 17 november 2022, 20:00 21:00

Workshop Rethinking Economics: New Teaching Tools

In the Classroom Multi Ethnic Students Listening to a Lecturer and Writing in Notebooks. Smart Young People Study at the College.

Het Centre for Economy Studies werkt aan de verbetering en modernisering van het economieonderwijs, zodat studenten beter zijn voorbereid op hun toekomstige loopbaan en op de maatschappelijke uitdagingen waar we nu en in de komende decennia voor staan. In de Week van het Economieonderwijs organiseren we een Engelstalige workshop voor Academici.

This workshop will present the latest set of teaching materials created by the Centre for Economy Studies, designed to teach economics in a way that is embedded in real-world knowledge. We have two interactive classroom exercises ideal for tutorial or seminar groups, and an engaging 90-minute lecture most suitable for an introductory undergraduate class. After briefly introducing the overarching framework of Economy Studies, we will take you through these teaching packs and how to use them, as well as giving you the opportunity to discuss your own ideas for alternative economics education with fellow lecturers.


do 17 november 2022, 20:00 21:00



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