Inspiring organizations

The Journal of Economic Education shows how Repair Cafe, Earth Pear and Clean Clothes Campaign contribute to solving social problems. This provides inspiration to discuss topics such as disposable culture, soil depletion and fair chains in high school economics classes. Repair-Cafe Earthworm Clean Clothes Campaign

The Economics of Biodiversity in the Classroom

Article from the Journal of Economic Education in response to the report 'Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review'. With concrete suggestions to look at concepts from the final exam program VO through a biodiversity lens.


Beeld van denkende persoon

Podcast series with conversations about how to balance economics, ecology and philosophy. For education professionals in economics education, the broadcast with lector Meaningful Economics Kees Klomp is especially recommended.

What do we want to see grow?

A conversation between lecturer Meaningful Economics Kees Klomp and designer and sustainable thinker Babette Porcelijn about the flaws in the economic system and what a bright future for everyone can look like.

Listen to 'New Economy the Podcast'

The New Economy is an economy where all people can live a good life within the limits of the earth. We help you understand what the new economy is and what you can do with it.

Watch the episode 'outgrowers'

The thirst for economic growth runs deep in the capillaries of society. VPRO Tegenlicht makes a tour along thinkers and doers who ask critical questions about the eternal economic growth.