Teaching inspiration (business) economics and entrepreneurship in vo

Backlight in the classroom: The economy of the future
Edited episode of VPRO Tegenlicht to use in economics class. Using this video and lesson plan, teach an introductory lesson on economist Kate Raworth's donut economy.

Teaching method Foundation for Innovation Economic Education
Teaching method Man & Economy (havo and vwo) in which students learn what economics is essentially about: relationships, cooperation and mutual interest.

Regenerative economics
Online textbook and syllabus on a regenerative economy.

New Economy lesson plans
Teaching bills to deepen the regular economics program. The lesson plans cover topics such as "real prices," the value of work, inclusive economy, ecological economy, circular economy and growth.

Business economics for havo/vwo
Teaching method for the subject "Business economics, entrepreneurship and financial self-sufficiency," with a strong focus on sustainability and making trade-offs based on non-financial values.

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